Thursday, July 10, 2008

Feet Facing Forward

When I make postural and alignment assessments of studio clients and Stylists, the first place I look is at the bare feet. The feet are our connection to the earth. The feet bear the weight of our body. Because the body is a system, if there are problems with the feet, problems are likely to appear up the chain of the body.

There is a simple adjustment that any Stylist can make to improve the health of their feet, as well as their overall well-being: walk with all the toes facing forward.

Common misaligned patterns in the feet are toes facing in, ankles rolling out (supination), toes facing out, ankles rolling in (pronation) or one foot doing either on of these. They all indicate issues with the arch and typically indicate it is in stage of "falling".

The toes and feet should strike the ground facing directly forward in walking. The knees and front hip bones should line up together. Take time to watch your feet barefoot or in flip flops, where you can see your feet alignment. It may feel awkward at first, but work the feet into a straight, forward line. Your feet, knees, hips and back will thank you.

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