Sunday, April 12, 2009

Twist Like a Barber Shop Pole

Spine Twist, the Pilates exercise for rotation, reminds me of barber shop poles. As we know, the poles have a red line that twists perpetually upward, catching the eye of prospective customers. When I practice Spine Twist, I envision my spine twisting upward like a barber pole.

We would all benefit from a perpetual lift as we rotate side to side. Twisting works the obliques and the back extensors, the muscles along the spine to help keep us erect or to extend. This type of exercise is beneficial for stylists because it helps balance rotation from side to side. As stylists, we typically twist from our dominant side to our recessive side all day.

Please see links for full instructions to properly perform the Spine Twist.

As a guide...

  • Sit in a L shape design with arms extended to sides from shoulder.
  • Turn upper body to one side as you prohibit movement in shoulder and pelvic girdles.
  • Return to center. Repeat to other side.
  • Rotation may also be done seated in a chair, while in the break room for example.
Spine Twist video here.
Photos here.

I got a note from Marguerite Ogle, Guide To Pilates author, requesting I remove the photos from this site. Please see the link above to the post that contains the pictures.


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texas cosmetology ce said...

I never really understand or got the history on why barber shops are associated with those candy like rotating thingy. But, it is a great way to look for a barber shop specially in a crowded place like the mall or something.

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