Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's All In The Wrist

One of the muscuoskeletal issues I personally deal with as a result of my 20+ years in the hair biz is loose ligaments in my wrist. While not painful, this has led to hypermobility and laxity of the wrist joint, instability in the carpal tunnel of my cutting hand. I find it challenging to build strength now along the whole chain; the hand, arm and shoulder on my right side.
In my career, I took for granted that my hand performed as I needed it to. I never realized the complications that would come later. I wished I had learned about creating more strength and flexibility.

Here are some exercises for the wrist you may find helpful. As with any exercise, avoid if you are experiencing pain and consult with your doctor if you are currently symptomatic and under the care of a doctor.

I like to preform these exercises in the quadraped, or all fours, position on a mat. I do both hands at the same time.


"Hold your arm vertically, then press your hand with the palm facing up onto a firm surface. Apply moderate pressure." - CarpalTunnelExercises.com


"Hold your arm vertically, then press your hand with the palm down onto a firm surface. Apply moderate pressure" - CarpalTunnelExercises.com

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